Phytoplankton Monitoring Samples

Phytoplankton Monitoring Samples
No details found for this site.
Test Result (cells per litre) Trigger Level Above Trigger Alert?
Pseudo-nitzchia A Sp.
Alexandrium Sp.
Dinophysis Sp.
Prorocentrum Lima
Prorocentrum minimum
Lingulodinium polyedrum
Protoceratium reticulatum
Protoperidinium crassipes
  Data supplied by The Food Standards Agency in Scotland on 26/03/2024
Location Details
Classified Harvesting AreaTraigh Mhor
Classified Area DescriptionArea bounded by lines drawn between NF 7103 0649 and NF 7135 0635 and between NF 7180 0600 and NF 7123 0450 and between NF 7002 0504 and NF 7013 0521 and between NF 7013 0521 and NF 7019 0561 and between NF 7019 0561 and NF 7098 0630 and between NF 7098 0630 and NF 7080 0644 extending to MHWS
Biotoxin POD Number 
Local Authority Shellfish RegionComhairle nan Eilean Siar: Uist & Barra
SIN NumberUB-282-165
Site NameTraigh Mhor
National Grid Reference 
  Data supplied by The Food Standards Agency in Scotland