Data Search Help

Selecting a Search Category

Go to the Data page using the top menu bar 'Data' option. Select a category of data to search by clicking one of the category titles on the Data Search page.

Entering Search Values

On the Search Results page, values can be entered which restrict the number of rows returned by a search.

To search between dates: click on the calendar symbol to the right of the From Date and To Date entry boxes. For each, select a date using the pop-up Calendar function. To move forward or backward in the Calendar a month at a time, click the single arrow symbol. To move forward or backward in the Calendar faster, click the double-arrow symbol.

To enter other search values: click on the downward arrow button to the right of the data entry box. A list of values will be displayed. Click on the value required and it will be entered into the box.

To remove the entered values from all boxes, click 'Clear All Filters'.

Running a Search Query

When the search values are entered, click the 'Apply Current Filters' button to run the query that returns the search results.

Advanced Filters - Filtering Search Results Further

Search results can be filtered further by using the advanced filters function. To show the advanced filters, click on the Show/Hide Advanced Filters button - doing so will display the advanced filters text entry box above each filterable column on the grid, along with their associated Filter Action button to the right. Clicking the Show/Hide Advanced Filters button again will hide the advanced filters.

Click on the Filter Action button to see what actions can be performed, then select an action from the list. Enter a value into the text entry box then click the Filter Action button again or, alternatively, press Enter on your keyboard to further filter the results. Clicking 'Clear All Filters' also clears the column level filters.

The default action performed by the advanced filters is to check whether the value entered in the text box is contained within any of the results in the associated column.

The advanced filter is a powerful tool, allowing you to drill down to a specific set of records within the available data.

Running a New Query

To run a new query in the same search category, click 'Clear All Filters' and enter new search values.

To run a new query in a different category, go back to the Data search page using the top menu bar 'Data' option or the browser back button and select a new search category.

Paging through Search Results

If the rows returned by the query are too many to fit on one page, the rows will be returned on more than one page. To navigate through the result pages, click on the arrows or the page numbers at the bottom left of the search result rows. To move forward or backward one page at a time, click the forward or backward arrow symbol buttons. The button on the far left goes directly to the first page of results. The button on the far right goes directly to the last page of results.

Exporting Search Results

To export Search results to a spreadsheet, click on the 'Export Search Results' link at the top right of the Search Result row headings, next to the small spreadsheet symbol. A box appears asking if you want to open or save the file. Click Save and browse to the location on your computer where you want to save the file, renaming the file if required, then click Save again.

Viewing Detailed Results Pages

To view details about a single search result row, click 'More' in the far right search result 'Action' column. This goes to a page with further detailed results about the item. The details shown will be different depending on the Search Category.

Some categories have a 'Related Items' box showing all the items associated with the item viewed, for example a Lease associated with a Site. Click on a Related Item link to go to a results list of just those items.

Most categories have a 'Location Details' box showing geographical details about the item. Click the 'View on Map' link in this box to display a pop-up window showing a map zoomed into the map location of the item. This map is for quick reference and is not interactive. To use interactive map features, go to the interactive map using the top menu bar 'Map' option.