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 392 items in 27 pages
04/03/2024 Dumfries and Galloway CouncilLoch RyanDG-191-174Leffnoll PointNX0710065711More
12/02/2024 Dumfries and Galloway CouncilLoch RyanDG-191-174Leffnoll PointNX0710065711More
08/01/2024 Dumfries and Galloway CouncilLoch RyanDG-191-174Leffnoll PointNX0710065711More
04/12/2023 Dumfries and Galloway CouncilLoch RyanDG-191-174Leffnoll PointNX0710065711More
06/11/2023 Dumfries and Galloway CouncilLoch RyanDG-191-174Leffnoll PointNX0710065711More
02/10/2023 Dumfries and Galloway CouncilLoch RyanDG-191-174Leffnoll PointNX0710065711More
18/09/2023 Dumfries and Galloway CouncilLoch RyanDG-191-174Leffnoll PointNX0710065711More
04/09/2023 Dumfries and Galloway CouncilLoch RyanDG-191-174Leffnoll PointNX0710065711More
30/08/2023 Dumfries and Galloway CouncilLoch RyanDG-191-174Leffnoll PointNX0710065711More
21/08/2023 Dumfries and Galloway CouncilLoch RyanDG-191-174Leffnoll PointNX0710065711More
14/08/2023 Dumfries and Galloway CouncilLoch RyanDG-191-174Leffnoll PointNX0710065711More
07/08/2023 Dumfries and Galloway CouncilLoch RyanDG-191-174Leffnoll PointNX0710065711More
31/07/2023 Dumfries and Galloway CouncilLoch RyanDG-191-174Leffnoll PointNX0710065711More
17/07/2023 Dumfries and Galloway CouncilLoch RyanDG-191-174Leffnoll PointNX0710065711More
10/07/2023 Dumfries and Galloway CouncilLoch RyanDG-191-174Leffnoll PointNX0754865170More
  Data supplied by The Food Standards Agency in Scotland on 26/03/2024