Fish Farms Monthly Biomass and Treatment Reports

Fish Farm Monthly Biomass and Treatments Details
Year 2024
Month March
Submitted ByDawnfresh Farming Ltd
Licence NumberCAR/L/1178003
Licence active at time of reportCAR/L/1178003
Report for Site ARTY1
Max licensed biomass on site (tonnes) 
Actual biomass on site (tonnes)0
Biomass Exceedance (tonnes)0
Feed (kg)0
Mortalities (kg)0
Sealice Treatments Used
Sealice Treatment Product Quantity Used (grams)
Azamethiphos 0
Cypermethrin 0
Deltamethrin 0
Emamectin Benzoate 0
Teflubenzuron 0
  Data supplied by SEPA on 20/06/2024
Location Details
Receiving WaterLoch Long
National Grid ReferenceNS 1928 8593
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  Data supplied by SEPA on 20/06/2024