Fish Farms Monthly Biomass and Treatment Reports

Fish Farm Monthly Biomass and Treatments Details
Year 2024
Month March
Submitted ByWester Ross Fisheries Ltd
Licence NumberCAR/L/1003012
Licence active at time of reportCAR/L/1003012
Report for Site LIT1
Ardessie A
Max licensed biomass on site (tonnes)197
Actual biomass on site (tonnes)161
Biomass Exceedance (tonnes)0
Feed (kg)16400
Mortalities (kg)5725
Sealice Treatments Used
Sealice Treatment Product Quantity Used (grams)
Azamethiphos 0
Cypermethrin 0
Deltamethrin 0
Emamectin Benzoate 0
Teflubenzuron 0
  Data supplied by SEPA on 20/06/2024
Location Details
Receiving WaterLittle Loch Broom
National Grid ReferenceNH 0465 9021
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  Data supplied by SEPA on 20/06/2024