Licence Conditions

Licence Condition Details
Licence NumberCAR/L/1001809
Licence HolderWester Ross Fisheries Ltd
Licence Site BRO1
Corry, Loch Broom
Original Licence Issue Date
Licence StatusActive
Monitoring CategoryEMP
Maximum biomass allowed on site (tonnes)1050
Licensed Species Salmon
Licensed Treatments
Maximum quantity of Emamectin Benzoate in a 7-day treatment (grams)367.5
Total quantity of Emamectin Benzoate following a 7-day treatment (grams)1837.5
Maximum quantity of Teflubenzuron in a 7-day treatment (grams)0
Total quantity of Azamethiphos discharged in a 3 hour period (grams) 
Total quantity of Azamethiphos discharged in a 24 hour period (grams)968
Total quantity of Cypermethrin discharged in a 3 hour period (grams)58.8
Total quantity of Deltamethrin discharged in a 3 hour period (grams) 
Linked Licences 
  Data supplied by SEPA on 20/06/2024
Location Details
Receiving WaterLoch Broom
National Grid ReferenceNH 15568 90279
View on Map View on map
  Data supplied by SEPA
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