Sealice In-Feed Treatment Residues

Sealice In-Feed Treatment Residues Details
Site NameCorry, Loch Broom
Submitted ByWester Ross Fisheries Ltd
Licence active at time of reportCAR/L/1001809
Treatment NameSlice
Active IngredientEmamectin Benzoate
End of Treatment Date 14/08/2013
Sample Date 17/11/2013
Days between End of Treatment and Sample Date95
  Residues Results
Micrograms per Kilogram
Environmental Quality Standard
Micrograms per Kilogram
Replicate 1 2 3 Emamectin Benzoate Teflubenzuron
Cages 1.8 2.01 1.43 7.63 10000
25m 7.63 10000
100m 0.69 0.68 0.59 0.763 2
150m 0.763 2
  Data supplied by SEPA on 20/06/2024
Location Details
Receiving WaterLoch Broom
National Grid ReferenceNH 15568 90279
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  Data supplied by SEPA on 20/06/2024