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 1499 items in 100 pages
564Kildalloig Bay in Pod:18 04/10/2023 17/11/2023 Argyll and Bute CouncilAB-029-008Kildalloig BayMore
563Dubh Aird in Pod:35 13/09/2023 29/09/2023 Highland Council: Ross & CromartyRC-090-1616Dubh AirdMore
561Drumfearn in Pod:41 13/09/2023 04/10/2023 Highland Council: Skye & LochalshSL-137-281DrumfearnMore
560Kildalloig Bay in Pod:18 13/09/2023 29/09/2023 Argyll and Bute CouncilAB-029-008Kildalloig BayMore
562Wadbister Voe in Pod:62 12/09/2023 27/10/2023 Shetland Islands CouncilSI-294-466Wadbister VoeMore
562East of Little Holm in Pod:62 12/09/2023 27/10/2023 Shetland Islands CouncilSI-816-2144East of Little HolmMore
562West of Little Holm in Pod:62 12/09/2023 27/10/2023 Shetland Islands CouncilSI-816-2239West of Little HolmMore
562East of Brunt Hamarsland in Pod:62 12/09/2023 27/10/2023 Shetland Islands CouncilSI-816-2147East of Brunt HamarslandMore
559Sound Of Gigha Razors 2 in Pod:123 06/09/2023 25/09/2023 Argyll and Bute CouncilAB-515-1250Sound Of Gigha Razors 2More
559Isle of Gigha in Pod:123 06/09/2023 25/09/2023 Argyll and Bute CouncilAB-541-972Isle of GighaMore
559Sound Of Gigha Indicator in Pod:123 06/09/2023 25/09/2023 Argyll and Bute CouncilAB-515-935Sound Of Gigha IndicatorMore
558Little Loch Broom Pacific Oysters in Pod:160 29/08/2023 14/09/2023 Highland Council: Ross & CromartyRC-805-2122Little Loch Broom Pacific OystersMore
557Papa Little North in Pod:127 22/08/2023 08/09/2023 Shetland Islands CouncilSI 221 2294Papa Little North More
557Cole Deep in Pod:127 22/08/2023 08/09/2023 Shetland Islands CouncilSI-076-1338Cole DeepMore
557Cole Ness in Pod:127 22/08/2023 08/09/2023 Shetland Islands CouncilSI-076-423Cole NessMore
  Data supplied by The Food Standards Agency in Scotland on 26/03/2024