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Movement Restrictions

Owner Marine Scotland

Description Legal notices are served upon fish farms to control the spread of disease when certain listed diseases are suspected or confirmed as being present on any particular aquaculture site. These notices control the movement of live or dead fish, fish ova or other items and equipment which may spread disease if moved in an uncontrolled manner. Over time, three separate pieces of legislation have been used to control the spread of fish diseases. The Diseases of Fish Act 1937 and Diseases of Fish (Control) Regulations 1994 have now been revoked and replaced with the Aquatic Animal Health (Scotland) Regulations 2009 which is currently used to control the spread of fish diseases.

The data presented here details Designated Area Orders, Control and Gate Notices and Confirmed Designation Notices placed, and, where relevant, revoked since 2002.

Period Covered 11/09/1991 to 02/03/2025

Conditions of Use Data Use Conditions